of the Mind: Cupcakes and Technology

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Thursday, January 03, 2008
From the NYTimes:

Craig Ferguson, whose show is owned by Mr. Letterman’s company, also won a reprieve from the guild. (He likened it to having “diplomatic immunity.”) He bragged that the Internet predicted that, because celebrities might be reluctant to cross picket lines in front of NBC, his show would likely draw A-list stars, then boldly did an hour of comedy routines about the strike without any big name celebrities. (Unless you count Tim Meadows, formerly of “Saturday Night Live.”)

Overlooking the truly terribly run-on nature of that sentence, since when is THE INTERNET a personal subject (in the grammatical sense)? As in, "I was on the couch making out with the Internet the other day, and she was like 'baby, get your hands off my tits.'"

The entire article is highly opinionated, but not labeled as such. Unless the whole Television section is, but that's not very clear to the unacquainted. I'm disappointed that the NYT missed the chance to reference strike!beard...oh, and that they are employing crappy writers.
Posted by Caitlin @ 7:43 AM - Permanent link


wow. "bloggers" and "the blogosphere" was bad enough. seems they've ditched research and creativity altogether now.
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:41 AM  

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