of the Mind: Cupcakes and Technology

This is the web touching itself

Monday, May 14, 2007
Right now I'm attending class in Sarasota, Fl. while my physical self is sitting in Oakland, Ca. The professor is holding class there with about 10 people present and 15 more tuned in via a web conference. The class is being taped and anyone who couldn't make it today can check the episode of this class out from the library and watch it at their leisure.

Very interesting.

The concept, I mean. The class is a bit dry and I find it hard to focus solely on an audio feed. There is the occasional activity in the chat room and sometimes someone will add to the smiley-face-stick-person that is drawn on our e-whiteboard. We're using the Elluminate system, as well as our school's BlackBoard system for discussion board purposes. I like the idea, especially as the class is IT Ethics, but it's four hours long and I am falling asleep...

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Posted by Caitlin @ 8:29 PM - Permanent link


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Blogging and baking out of So.Fla., I am a 20-something IT professional with a penchant for cupcakes and Web 2.0. Formerly a newspaper editor and graphic designer, I like new recipes, intriguing articles, good design and anything shiny. Check back regularly for delicious recipes + photo documentation as well as leads and analysis on all things nerdy.


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♠   Vert-vert
♠   Long days, short bytes
♠   A lot of super stuff
♠   boys slappin'
♠   Outside WholeFoods, SRQ, FL, USA
♠   because I screw robots, after all
♠   Linear Light
♠   Wisconsin is just as cold as you'd expect
♠   Excuse the dust

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