of the Mind: Cupcakes and Technology

beta beta beta

Monday, October 15, 2007
There, I finally made a change. There's very little I like about this layout, aside from the fact that it's not what I usually (used to) do. It's a change, and a usable change. I need to review some relative sizing information, as internet explorer can't seem to handle my tables, and the box object model is so off I'm surprised it works at all. I think I have it mostly cross-browser, but not appropriately resolution flexible. Hey people with small screens or poor eye sight: suck it!

The idea for this layout is very simple. 1) The blog. 2) Flickr photos. These are mainly baking photos, but may also include some trip photos now and then. 3) Cat photos. Of course, pictures of one's pets are annoying but my friend Cathy uses images of Penelope and Lion-o! to destress, so I decide a playful take on Dooce's Chuck photos would be apropos for now. 4) Extra tidbits. This part is still in alpha, obviously.

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Posted by Caitlin @ 3:08 AM - Permanent link


I think the electric cupcake is hilarious. And it's very pink. Which could be good or bad, but in this case I think it's good.
By Blogger R. L. Moore, at 11:56 AM  

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Bakery on flickr.com


Blogging and baking out of So.Fla., I am a 20-something IT professional with a penchant for cupcakes and Web 2.0. Formerly a newspaper editor and graphic designer, I like new recipes, intriguing articles, good design and anything shiny. Check back regularly for delicious recipes + photo documentation as well as leads and analysis on all things nerdy.


♠   This makes riding a bicycle look like cake
♠   This is the web touching itself
♠   Ahoy 'hoy!
♠   Vert-vert
♠   Long days, short bytes
♠   A lot of super stuff
♠   boys slappin'
♠   Outside WholeFoods, SRQ, FL, USA
♠   because I screw robots, after all
♠   Linear Light

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♥ Cupcake Bakeshop
♥ Tartelette
♥ Culinary Concoctions by Peabody
♥ Lemon Almond
♥ Cooking for Engineers


♥ The H Line

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♥ Questionable Content
♥ Dooce
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