of the Mind: Cupcakes and Technology

This makes riding a bicycle look like cake

Tuesday, September 04, 2007
This is hard.

I am so desperate that I'm using <table> to format the design.

It's the middle of the night, and I'm trying to create a new design for my blog. I've been experimenting with the different free publishing sites and I think I'm happiest with Blogger. Vox is a cool site with a lot of connectivity, but there's something DIY about Blogger that I like. Or maybe just the freedom to build onto it as I see fit, with the skills that I have earned.

Skills that I have forgotten.

I spoke with my sister Leah tonight and she continued to prod me to move out to the SF area. I'm happy where I am (for now) but the idea grows in its appeal. She suggested I look at job posting in order to better understand what I should work on in order to realize this goal. I must admit, a brief perusal of Craigslist had me salivating. What really struck me was the number of job postings that requested "hand coding ability." RLY?! I've always felt that my insistence on hand coding was anachronistic and undesirable.

So I'm trying to drag up those old ghosts, my loves, the codes.

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Posted by Caitlin @ 4:50 AM - Permanent link


Great work.
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:55 PM  

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Bakery on flickr.com


Blogging and baking out of So.Fla., I am a 20-something IT professional with a penchant for cupcakes and Web 2.0. Formerly a newspaper editor and graphic designer, I like new recipes, intriguing articles, good design and anything shiny. Check back regularly for delicious recipes + photo documentation as well as leads and analysis on all things nerdy.


♠   This is the web touching itself
♠   Ahoy 'hoy!
♠   Vert-vert
♠   Long days, short bytes
♠   A lot of super stuff
♠   boys slappin'
♠   Outside WholeFoods, SRQ, FL, USA
♠   because I screw robots, after all
♠   Linear Light
♠   Wisconsin is just as cold as you'd expect

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